Saturday, November 28, 2009

Sophomore Year, 1/3 of the way done

I can't believe fall quarter went by this fast. Granted, I don't have much to say in the way of interesting...things...but honestly what do you expect, I'm a pre-med who's not particularly good at science and needs to study more or less at every opportunity. I feel accomplished, though, and that's a good feeling to have. I don't have many regrets this quarter, and if I do they're social in nature, and in the grand scheme of things that's probably how it should be.

Anyway, finals are coming up and I have 8am classes next quarter 3 times a week, so this may very well be my last post for a while. As in, months, a quarter, maybe a year, who knows. But I get my writing experience and practice with papers, especially this quarter, what with German 232's weekly papers and AMAZING LECTURES, so it's all good. Congratulations on making it through my personal expository material. Peace.


OH I almost forgot: I'm starting a new blog that I'll use to write reviews about all the disparate stuff I'm into. I realized today how random my interests are, so with the variety of things I own and kill time with, I figured I might as well share online to the occasional web-surfer. Not that there'd be many viewers, I'm sure, but y'all got to agree with me that writing reviews is strangely compelling. Maybe it makes us feel like we're having an impact. I wouldn't know about that, I'm no philosophy-spouting shrink, but long story short, new blog soon.

Sunday, April 19, 2009



You'd think a black president would jump at something like this. Call me crazy, but "denouncing Islam" seems a bit racist to me. And here America is worried that it'll be outlawed? The logic is lost on me.

We need some real, honest healing when it comes to the issue of racism, not some more high-and-mighty Western posturing.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Bit of news...

So for everyone that doesn't know yet:

1. I'm pledging Delta Chi. Go ahead and laugh in disbelief.
2. My current workload is killing me.

I thought I'd have a lot more to write about, but I guess not. But, yes, my current pile of work is becoming a backlogged pile of ridiculousness.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


So, the quarter's drawing to an end and because I REALLY can't concentrate on statistics right now I thought I might as well post something. Anything. Maybe I'll just get a Twitter account (I just of heard of it) and not have to worry about these long-winded updates. Anyway, for everyone back home in SoCal I'll be seeing you guys soon. Man, I always start missing home toward the end of the quarter, which makes it pretty difficult to study. Sucks. But, then again, I signed up for this when I decided not to go to UCLA. I think I was considering transferring for a while a month or so ago. Go figure.

If something worthwhile comes up I'll blog about it. For now, the only big news is that I got elected to the Academic Chair post of my res college, Shepard RC. The best one, btdubs. Right, well then, time to get back to work. Peace.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Fly Khicks over Strikers? Seriously?

ABDC has collectively lost its mind.

At least they didn't eliminate Quest.

Wait, I have an idea.

 I, Eric Steven Liang, hereby issue this ultimatum to ABDC: Either get rid of Fly Khicks in the next episode or I will personally put a bullet in a puppy's leg. Save the puppy. Dump that shit crew.

Why on God's green Earth am I still caring about, much less watching, this dreck.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

'Atta boy

I feel good about where this is going.  I think it's what we really need in this day and age: to stop tip-toeing around racial issues and just confront them once and for all.  If we get problems into the light, then maybe we can finally answer them.  Unfortunately, there exist quite a few obstacles in the way of frank racial discussions.  If there weren't, then this post could be much more pointed, focused, and, most importantly, bluntly honest.  If this statement is the impetus for change, then I applaud it.

Good work, Mr. Holder.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Me? Reflective? You must be mistaken.

A mom tortures her 2 year old daughter to death...a dad kills his entire family of 5 kids and wife before committing suicide...multiple children died in the attack on Gaza...wealthy money managers cheat their blue-collar clients out of millions...

The world's going insane and all I can worry about is my statistics midterm.

Sometimes, the contradictions in life slap me across the face.